With the mild weather on a sunny day an impromptu event was held in the palace grounds in the early afternoon, with a fancy dress theme, costumes ranged from late medieval to the 17th century. Entertainment was provide, the favourite being Cantor the court inventor with a demonstration of simple magicial illusions
Later on in the palace King Leopold found his niece Karolin looking at the old medieval tapestries; her favourite was the one of unicorn.
King: Why don't you go up into the forest near my hunting lodge and see if you can find the unicorn ?
Karolin: What a lovely idea
King: The Sackwald is a strange place, I have always enjoyed my visits there. You may see some strange things there even if you don't find the unicorn. I'll provide a suitable escort for you, shall I make the arrangements ?
Karolin:Yes please .....
[ this post will be followed a short series of connected posts in the run-up to Xmas; with a variety of content - some of which may seriously overload the whimsy meter :) ......]
Sunny Sunday - Trains !
21 hours ago
I'm looking forward to this continuing. The thought of a possible serious overloading of the whimsy meter intrigues :0)
Can't get to much whimsy at this time of year , Tony
"...some of which may seriously overload the whimsy meter "
Not possible, these interstitial episodes are my favorite part of your blog. So much so, I've stolen it wholesale!
(However, I do give you credit whenever possible :) )
I agree, let the whimsy begin! :)
There's a fun little book called The Duchess of Whimsy, written by Randall de Sève, and illustrated by Peter de Sève.
I can take any amount of whimsy over reality any day. Bring it on.
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