Saturday 27 June 2015

Wittenberg infantry advance ....

General Waldebeck issues the order for the uhlans to move off ...
Count Pottsendorf finds out what was behind the Wittenberg uhlans, appearing from a slight dip in the ground, the Wittenberg regular infantry and artillery, behind he can just see a full regiment of cavalry as well ....
Count Pottensdorf brings up the infantry from Noverre to form a second line and issues urgent orders for the artillery to be brought up .and the cavalry to get into position ..
The Wittenberg regimental artillery has been formed into a small battery on the left of the deployed infantry...
The view from the walls of Hofheim ...

Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Saxe-Jarlsberg army arrives ....

The lead elements of the Saxe-Jarlsberg army come into view .....
Hofler's pandours exchange some long distance pot-shots with the Saxe-Jarlsberg jagers
 Count Pottensdorf forms an initial battle line to counter the potential threat from the Wittenberg Uhlans.....

General Waldebeck watches the deployment and contemplates when to move the uhlans ...

Monday 22 June 2015

Hofheim - Wittenberg army in position

continued from the post - Marching Into Hofheim

The Wittenberg army under the command of General Waldebeck has moved into position ready to face the advancing Saxe-Jarlsberg army.

Garrison regiment lines the walls of Hofheim ...
Freikorps chasseurs and artillery protect the road into Hofheim, with the King's jagers in the woods....
 Freikorps uhlans screen the position of the regular troops, a small group of Fieldjagers gallop back to Hofheim - the Saxe-Jarlsberg army is drawing closer ...
 Hofler's pandours hold the walled farm on the far side of the valley...
 Waldebeck gives his final instructions to Count Boritzy .....

Sunday 21 June 2015

Campaign PDF: Monrovia V Pelardon - The Siege of Fausignac

I've collated all the posts from the campaign shown on this blog (January to April 2013) and created a PDF.

This is available from here V Pelardon.pdf

I had some format/corruption problems with the master document so the generated PDF pagination has gone slightly off towards the end.

Saturday 20 June 2015

A short break .....

I've been on a holiday break to Sussex,  during which picked up this rather nice book in a charity shop
 and paid a visit to Petworth House
plus a visit to see Brighton Pavilion,
the interior is amazing - such opulence


Now I'm back preparations have started for the battle of Hofheim, currently setting up the gaming table scenery - one side of the table is set up to represent the Hofheim with its medieval walls.