Sunday 31 March 2013

Pelardon: Command decision ...

The latest report from the hussar scouts revealed that the Monrovian army is still marching in their direction. About a mile south of Montignac, by the chapel of St Marie, the Duke of Pelardon calls a quick conference .. 
After a quick discussion with no disagreements it was agreed to attack the Monrovians while they were still in column of march. The Duke orders up the heavy cavalry as the rest of the army receives their orders. General Von Messing gallops across to the Fenwick contingent to get them on the move ....

Friday 29 March 2013

Pelardon: Skirmish at Montignac ...

The vanguard of the Pelardon army, consisting of the contingent from the Principality of Umathirmen led by the redoubtable Princess Michaela, clear Montignac of Monrovian dragoons.
The hussars after scouting further ahead report sighting the main body of the Monrovian army ...

Sunday 24 March 2013

Pelardon: Relief force on the march ...

The Duke of Pelardon has ridden up to the head of the column to watch the vanguard pass, the rest of the relief force is following ...

Sunday 17 March 2013

Painting Interlude - Horse Grenadiers

For a break from the campaign in Pelardon I turned to work on 10 miscellaneous WSS Foundry cavalry I picked up at a local Toy & Train fair recently.
Also a kettle drummer (rider only) which I immediately used to replace the one in use for my mounted guard band, seen below waiting painting plus some headgear from Creartec 40mm grenadiers
A while and some work finished off 6 figures converted to horse grenadiers ...
Out with the paintbrushes and an enoyable few sessions to finish them off; first off the chap with pistol (possible highwayman ?) and one left as bought but with a few touch-ups...
The trumpeter ....
The kettle drummer takes his place at the head of the mounted guard band ...
and finally my favourite the squadron of horse grenadiers for the Wittenberg guard cavalry

Friday 8 March 2013

Pelardon: Fausignac - defenders countermine is set off ...

The countermine set by the defenders of Fausignac has been set off - a loud ! GARUMPH ! sound echoed out as the mine exploded throwing up soil and debris ....
The countermine had missed its target being out by some 30yards from the corner of the Monrovians 2nd parrallel.  Some of the attackers in the trenches were hit by falling debris..

A side effect of the explosion, was the underground shock wave - this caused the tunnel of the mine being dug by the Monrovians to collapse killing the men underground .. now they will have to start again ...

Thursday 7 March 2013

Pelardon: countermine ?

The defenders of Fausignac have not been idle, they have been digging to set a countermine, they have just started moving powder barrels to the end chamber...
they have dug out from the defences and have calculated that they are under the Monrovian second parallel - when all the powder is in place the charge will be set and .......

Sunday 3 March 2013

Pelardon: Monrovia makes inexorable progress ...

Over the last few days the Monrovians have been making progress with their siege works, their second parallel is complete and not far from the glacis ....
The defenders of Fausignac have made one abortive sortie here and two others to the east and north of the city - they have taken many casualties and the city commander has enough men to hold the perimeter but is holding off making further sorties....
In the Monrovian first parallel, a heavy mortar battery is now in place and laying down fire on the city of Fausignac..
Buildings are on fire in the city .....
In the Monrovian second parallel, cannons fire at the city walls, the defenders return fire ...
The Monrovians have opened up a shaft to dig a tunnel for a mine under the walls, work is slow and heavy going...
Count Malpurgo Belladona - commander of the Monrovian army watches the progress of the siege - a messenger has arrived, news from the screening force - advance scouts have detected the Pelardon army moving towards the capital ...
this will require the Count's full attention and he and his aide leave to ride round the city to take command of the screening force.