Sunday 15 March 2015

Rendezvous ...

continued from the previous post .....

Two days march later, Count Pottensdorf greets the Comte de Chazelles and the men from Noverre ...
 The two marching columns combine ....


 However the movements of the Saxe-Jarlsberg forces had not gone un-noticed. Count Boritzy had been maintaining a small screen of scouts about 2 days ride from Hofheim, one of them had ridden in late one afternoon to tell him of the enemy forces heading in their direction ....
Count Boritzy ordered Hofler's pandours to Sondheim (about half a mile west of Hofheim) and sent a despatch to General Waldebeck informing him of the situation.  Count Boritzy's plan was to hold the enemy at Hofheim and if necessary fall back east to Toppenhof to join with General Waldebecks regular army troops when they arrived.

Sunday 8 March 2015

En route ....

The Vicomte de Chazelles, commander of the Volontaires de Noverre, leads his men onwards...
he has sent a courier to take a message to Count Pottensdorf of the Saxe-Jarlsberg army to inform him that the troops from Noverre will reach the rendezvous point two days later than planned ....

[ the men from Noverre have just arrived - picked up 3 lots of PA figures off Ebay, some re-basing needed and the full corps will appear in due course (2 squadrons of cavalry and a regiment of infantry to do)]

Sunday 1 March 2015

Arrival at Hofheim ...

continued from the previous post ...

Hofler and his pandour regiment, after a couple of days march have reached the outskirts of Hofheim...
 Count Boritzy hearing of their arrival, rides down to meet them..
Count Boritzy instructs Hofler where to quarter his regiment and asks him to dine with him that evening.


 Meanwhile the Saxe-Jarlsberg army is on the move, heading north-west towards Hofheim. Hussars and jagers at the front of the column ...
 Count Pottensdorf with his staff near the head of the column ...
 The rest of the column ...
they have a few days march to go before they reach Hofheim ....