Friday 26 July 2024

Kesselsdorf.. research ...

 On the list of games is to do a refight of Kesselsdorf 1745... this neat little book from Helion has been obtained..

Looks like it contains all the info I need including the orders of battle for both sides.  For the re-fight Monrovia will take the Prussian side and Wittenberg Saxony; I think I can scale it down as needed to use the armies I have in my collection.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Game Planning...

I'm trying to get more organised planning games. With 8 active blogs it is way to easy to get focussed on one and loose the thread on the others. So I want to get some sort of game plan for each blog, each blog has a two or three threads or series of games so I want to cover these.

So far I've made up a table with a set of game lists, there are a few blanks but at least I can start working on scenarios.

The aim is to play a game relevant to each blog on a 'round robin' basis. I expect it may be more of a random walk 😀

Friday 19 July 2024

The Return of Saxe-Jarlsberg .......

 Its been a while since the forces of Saxe-Jarlsberg tried to take the Hoflandt from Wittenberg. The 40mm home-cast armies  have now been redeployed.  What happened to the armies ?

  • The 40mm Wittenberg army was upgraded and expanded to fight the Begovian threat on the Zinzendorf border. 
  • The 40mm Saxe-Jarlsberg army which were all Prince August castings fell victim to my delight in recycling figures via the melting pot of doom - most of them became re-cast as Begovians.

Saxe-Jarlsberg Grenadiers

I thought it would be nice to bring back Saxe-Jarlsberg (based on SYW Brunswick), they will be my next army building project when the French are finished - this time they will be in 28mm. Recruiting has already started .... some Crusader cuirassiers for the Garde de Corps.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Duchy of Noverre - Cuirassiers and more infantry..

For SYW french troops for the Duchy of Noverre...

Cuirassier du Roi (My home-cast riders on Eagle Miniatures horses, flag from Kronoskaf)

Infantry Regiment Bentheim (Crusader and AW Miniatures; flags from Not by Appointment)

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Duchy of Noverre - Grenadiers and Cavalry Regiment

While planning and playing some French Foreign Legion games I got on with painting some more SYW French for the Duchy of Noverre.

Grenadiers Royaux de Chantilly (AW Miniatures, Flags Kronoskaf), decided to to have bearskins for the grenadiers rather than tricornes...

Cavalry Regiment Moustiers (My Homecasts, Flag Kronoskaf)

Saturday 20 April 2024

Extra staff & Command for the Duchies of Fenwick and Noverre

 For the Duchy of Fenwick...

and for the Duchy of Noverre
All figures saved from job lots of figures I bought to go in the melting pot to cast some 40mm figures; horse are plastic ones from Wargames Atlantic.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Duchy of Fenwick - Hanover.. Cavalry Regiments...

Finally finished reworking the cavalry regiments ... riders all repainted, horses touch-in and new bases 

Horse Grenadiers  (mostly my home-casts, grenadier heads off some Jacdaw figures). Flag Kronoskaf

Cavalry Regiment 4A  (mostly my home-casts, officer & std bearer Eagle Miniatures). Flag Kronoskaf

Dragoon Regiment 8 (horses my home-casts, riders Irregular Miniatures) Flag Kronoskaf

All together ....