The fevered activity tarting up my fortress sections has slowed down - that's the problem with having to go back to work :)
Anyway with reduced time per day to have working on the new ravelin for the main gate I'm still making some progress, a shot of the main cardboard framework (on an MDF base)
and the first off addition of the top and stone paper sheet glued on
have to add the gate details etc, then get on with finishing off the baseboards....
Sunny Sunday - Trains !
4 days ago
Glacis and Ravelin look great! My hat is off to you for your engineering/modelling skill.
I second Ross' thoughts. Excellent work!
Do you nave plans for siege works also?
Work does get in the way at times and saps energy and drive from projects...
Great architectural works here on show,my hat is diffed to you sir!
Murdock: After I've finished the fortress, I'll sort out the siegeworks - using my existing scenic items and adding/updating as needed
-- Allan
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