After much thought I decided a sloping wall on the front of the fortess wall sections would definitely look better; so I removed the faux ditch in front of the sections and added a slope to the front wall
The stonework on the fortress was done using a paper sheet, unfortunately when I went to order some more I found it was no longer in production (aaargh !). So I scanned the back of one the straight fotress sections and made up a replacement paper sheet - slightly lighter (as close as I could could get to the colour); I tried it out on one of the bastions and added a 'sally port' door at the same time
Looked OK, so the rest of the sections were finished off ..
with that done I've been sketching out some plans for ditch, covered way and glacis to go in front. I think I can fit in a something representational without losing too much table space.
Coach works(10) : All the styrene strip stuck on ...
19 hours ago