Sunday 25 November 2012

40mm: Artillery - Work In Progress...

I'm having a sort out with my artillery for 40mm; initially I've cast two limber sets up from NZ molds and bought two new guns from the Sash & Sabre SYW range. I find the NZ mold wheels difficult to cast so I've used some small Lego plastic spoked wheels instead. I've swapped the NZ limber horse rider heads with some from Sash & Sabre.
The two new guns and one limber set will go to the Wittenberg forces; the other limber set plus one of my spare guns and some crew which are on order, will be for Hesse-Limburger allied artillery contingent to Saxe-Jarlsberg.


Mosstrooper said...

It is my pleasure to nominate you for the Liebster blog award.

joppy said...

Beaten to it by Mosstrooper. Your blog is one that I'd really like to emulate (ok, read copy)eventually. I still have a lot of work ahead. Thank you for the enjoyment you give me.