Monday 5 August 2019

The Begovians reach Tantozi ...

A couple of men somewhat familiar with explosives try to figure out the best place to put the powder and fuse on the river bridge…
Having received no word yet from General Waldebeck, Von Hazant checked the deployment of his troops; afterwards he thought he saw something in the distance - friendly troops perhaps.  After checking with his spy-glass, he could see they were not - it was the Begovians...
The Begovians come in sight of Tantozi..
Osram Pasha, dismayed by the presence of Wittenberg troops blocking his way - issues orders to deploy for battle ...


tradgardmastare said...

Great looking post.

CelticCurmudgeon said...

It will be a spectacular battle - particularly if the main Wittenberg Army can close on the Begovians from the rear.

Stryker said...

Great stuff as always!