I picked up a bag of PlayMobil bits in local charity shop a few days back - which included some bits of castle. So decided to use these to make a couple of sections for my small fortress, to provide a bit more variety. The pieces that were usable were a turret top and a doorway, the turret to be used to provide a large gun platform and the doorway to be part of bigger gateway...
the gun platform bash completed rather quickly...
the gateway took a while, but worth the effort
the inside, with steps and sentry box
A splosh of matching paint and some flagstone effect paper; ready for use.
These will be useful when the 28mm armies get moving again, Fenwick/Monrovian border war ....
Second Retinue completed...
3 days ago
Great work. Good to see potential in a bag of old bits and bobs.
An excellent purchase which will serve you well.
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