Tent all painted up and command staff and King in residence (I've added some static grass to the bases to improve the look of the figures)...
Friday, 30 December 2011
Tent-makers are busy ...
The King has decided that his old command tent needs repair and enhancement (having seen the nice one in Wargamer's Annual 2012). The command tent as was ...Using the old tent as a framework I modified it using 120gm paper: increased height by about 0.5cm, added end pieces; wider front opening with rolled back 'panels', extra roof detail and extended tent poles to hold a pennant/flag.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Waiting at the Border - Security Checks ?
A visitor to Wittenberg - see this EvE post
Princess Elisenda and her travelling companions have arrived at the Wittenberg border; their papers and credentials have been examined and they are allowed through. They are unable to proceed until their additional escort of Wittenberg troops is ready. They have a had a meal in the nearby inn and while they wait are getting a little exercise and some air before being cramped up in the coach again.
What delights and marvels await the Princess in Wittenberg ?
Princess Elisenda and her travelling companions have arrived at the Wittenberg border; their papers and credentials have been examined and they are allowed through. They are unable to proceed until their additional escort of Wittenberg troops is ready. They have a had a meal in the nearby inn and while they wait are getting a little exercise and some air before being cramped up in the coach again.
The travellers: Antoni Folc de Cardona, Archbishop of Valencia (travelling in a monks garb);
Princess Elisenda; Josep Antoni the Marquis of Rubí; young manservant.
The commander of the princess's personal escort has mounted his horse, their escort of WIttenberg troops is ready; it is time to get back on the coach..
The small convoy led by an escort of Wittenberg Uhlans moves off into the countryside ...
Friday, 23 December 2011
Xmas Time in Wittenberg ...
There has been a cold snap and the country side is blanketed with snow. The King and his family are visiting Count Herman's estate where the ornamental pond has frozen; a small 'skating party' is in progress.....
The skaters enjoying themselves on the frozen pond ....
The geese are not to pleased that their pond is frozen over ...
Brother James is feeling the cold and is wondering when the mulled wine will be served...
The food is nearly ready, mulled wine, soup and roast pig ...
The entire skating party scene .....
Some of the guests stay nearby the hunting lodge, if they feel too cold they can nip back inside...
The King and his family watch the skaters, Prinz Albrecht is having a go ...
One goose says to the other, 'What do you do whenever you feel lonely?'
The other one says, 'Oh, I just have a gander around.'
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
40mm: The Bridge at Hofheim
My 40mm figs be-sport themselves on the table as the Saxe-Jarlsberg border war in the south continues... More than the usual number of photies in the report to preserve the flow of the game - enjoy !
Scenario: Both Wittenberg and Saxe-Jarlsberg are trying to position themselves as best they can before the winter sets in. A bridge on the border of the Hofland has been identified by both sides being a key objective (a disused ford nearby may also be passable).
The Wittenberg General Waldebeck decides to send Captain Scharfe and a small force to secure and blow the bridge. Wittenberg force:
Number of moves to set the charges on the bridge - 2D6 (set additional charge/repair fuse etc 1D6)
Number of moves for arrival of Saxe-Jarslberg units and Imperial Ambassador - 2D6.
Effect off explosion of chrages on bridge - D10 1-3, no effect 4-6 still passable, 7-10 Blown
Ford Passable (only tested when first attempting to cross) - 1D6 1,2,3 not passable, 4,5,6 Passable
Captain Scharfe and his small command pass through the small town of Hofheim and move towards the bridge over the river ...
They secure the bridge and cross to the other side to set up a perimeter, while the engineers prepare the charges (they've had to take powder from the artillery as the bridge is more robust than thought)
The Saxe-Jarslberg troops advancing on the bridge take the brunt of the cannonade and turn and run ...
Meanwhile the Saxe-Jarslberg dragoons attempt to cross the ford, the river is high and the current strong and their commander is nearly washed away - the ford cannot be used to cross the river.
Kaboom ! The engineer has lit the faulty fuse and the explosion kills all the Saxe-Jarlsberg jagers on the bridge.
Scenario: Both Wittenberg and Saxe-Jarlsberg are trying to position themselves as best they can before the winter sets in. A bridge on the border of the Hofland has been identified by both sides being a key objective (a disused ford nearby may also be passable).
- Kings Jagers (2 cys - 24)
- Uhlans (1 sqdn - 9)
- 1 artillery Piece
- Engineers (2) + packhorse
- Jagers (1 cy - 12)
- Garrison Troops (1cy - 12)
- Infantry Regiment (2cys - understrength total 15)
- Squadron of Dragoons (understrength - 6).
Number of moves to set the charges on the bridge - 2D6 (set additional charge/repair fuse etc 1D6)
Number of moves for arrival of Saxe-Jarslberg units and Imperial Ambassador - 2D6.
Effect off explosion of chrages on bridge - D10 1-3, no effect 4-6 still passable, 7-10 Blown
Ford Passable (only tested when first attempting to cross) - 1D6 1,2,3 not passable, 4,5,6 Passable
Captain Scharfe and his small command pass through the small town of Hofheim and move towards the bridge over the river ...
They secure the bridge and cross to the other side to set up a perimeter, while the engineers prepare the charges (they've had to take powder from the artillery as the bridge is more robust than thought)
Captain Scharfe leads his men to secure the approaches to the bridge, while another detachment heads further downstream to cover a disused ford, the engineers are busy ...
The head of the Saxe-Jarlsberg column arrives and a parley is in progress to secure the Imperial Ambassador's passage....
The Imperial Ambassador's party make for the bridge. As the size of the 'escort' force which accompanied the ambassador becomes apparent, Captain Scharfe order his men to fall back to the bridge ..The Imperial Ambassador is across the river an heading for Hofheim ...
The Saxe-Jarlsberg forces make their move, a fierce volley sends the Jagers back from guarding the disused ford over the river ...
The artillery hearing the sound of the firing, let loose a short cannonade on the Saxe-Jarlsberg troops ...The Saxe-Jarslberg troops advancing on the bridge take the brunt of the cannonade and turn and run ...
Meanwhile the Saxe-Jarslberg dragoons attempt to cross the ford, the river is high and the current strong and their commander is nearly washed away - the ford cannot be used to cross the river.
'Stand well back' shouts the engineer officer, the jagers guarding the bridge move back ...
Kaboom ! both sides watch as the dust settles ...The bridge has not gone, it is still just passable ...
The Saxe-Jarlsberg jagers make a rush on the bridge as the Wittenberg jagers cover the engineers who are trying to mend the fuse for one of the charges ...
As Saxe-Jarlsberg jagers move over the bridge, there is a sharp exhange of fire across the river ...Kaboom ! The engineer has lit the faulty fuse and the explosion kills all the Saxe-Jarlsberg jagers on the bridge.
The bridge is blown and now totally impassable. A victory for Wittenberg; a disapointment for Saxe-Jarlsberg.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
40mm: Contructing a New House
I've been checking out my larger houses which I use for 40mm gaming and realised I could do with a couple more. I wanted something which was neutral enough for 18C and also to be used for my ECW gaming. I found a nice half timbered building picture in a book which showed the front and and one end. I scanned these, scaled then up and printed off two copies on 120gm paper. After some careful cutting I stuck them onto card to ensure everything was square and lined up.Each section was cut off the card, then the house was assembled (with internal bracing) and stuck on a base.
I added a roof covered with some paper tilessheet, touched in the edges of the building and painted/flocked the base. Seen below with a couple of figures for size comparison
I added a roof covered with some paper tilessheet, touched in the edges of the building and painted/flocked the base. Seen below with a couple of figures for size comparison
Zomverre V Monrovia: hostilities cease due to the Winter
The wintry weather has begun and Zomverre is blanketed in snow, effectively bringing a halt to the campaign for this year. Both sides have moved into winter quarters. The Monrovians hold the key burgh town of Hohenloe and most of the south-eastern part of the country.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
40mm: adding to my Brigands
Bought some of the new Irregular Miniatures 42mm pirates to add to my brigands and outlaws; have modified a couple of figures to give them attire more suitable to central europe. Into the paintng queue they go ....
Sunday, 11 December 2011
40mm: Saxe-Jarlsberg Guards on Parade...
Count Pottsendorf and his aide watch the parade of the grenadier guards ....
The count muses (as he watches them march past) - 'the only regiment in a fit state for a parade' and frowns. Not a good year for the army fighting against Wittenberg forces - dragoons cut up while on the march and the infantry shot to pieces at Toppenhof. Still plenty to do to get ready for the next campaign season - rebuld the cavalry, get the troops back in shape, need to get more light troops....
The count muses (as he watches them march past) - 'the only regiment in a fit state for a parade' and frowns. Not a good year for the army fighting against Wittenberg forces - dragoons cut up while on the march and the infantry shot to pieces at Toppenhof. Still plenty to do to get ready for the next campaign season - rebuld the cavalry, get the troops back in shape, need to get more light troops....
Saturday, 10 December 2011
40mm: Project restart ...
My 40mm project has taken a back seat while I've been clearing off oddment projects and stuff for other gaming periods (WWII, Dark Ages and Pirates). I have been casting and preparing 40mm figures, such that I have a two regiments of cavalry and three battalions of infantry in the lead pile (and plan to cast up 3 more infantry battalions).
I've decided to get started on the painting with a battalion for the Wittenberg forces; the bulk of these are Creartec castings with Sash & Sabre heads, plus some Front Rank AWI hessians in the command group.
Hurry up boys, if we're quick we can get in front of those saxons ...
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Sedan chair..
The transport theme continues, this time a sedan chair from Redoubt..
A closer look at the occupant and carriers ...
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