Saturday 16 September 2023

Battle of Mintano (1) - Wittenberg Deployment ..

The Begovian army was moving fast to intercept the Wittenebrg froces. General Waldebeck decide to hold position and keeps his troops rested. The Begovian cavalry drove the Wittenberg pickets out of Silanok, the rest of Begovain army followed; they cleared the narrows through the woods and setup camp on a low hill by the the edge of the plain in front of Mintano.

Wittenberg started to move up to a position to deploy, with woods protecting both of their flanks. It was nearly midday before the Begovians started to form up.


Planning the battle....

The game scenario is loosely based on the Battle of Kagul in 1770 (during Russo-Turkish wars 1768-74). Large Russian squares supported by cavalry advance, fend off attacks and ultimately attack the Turkish camp.

I decided on a scenario, where Wittenberg troops would advance and hold position to fend off at least two attacks from the Begovians main force with the chance arrival of Begovian allies the Tatars arriving sometime during the battle. Wittenberg have the option to attack the Begovian camp if deemed feasible.

My gaming table being two small, I would set the attack zone to be the actual table (between the two red lines on the layout image above) with off table positions & movement.

Wittenberg has a gun battery in their central square and battalion guns in the other two squares. The squares are supported by light cavalry, with jagers in the edges of the woods to the sides. In reserve behind the central square are two regiments of heavy cavalry.

Begovians have two off table artillery batteries, who can fire at long range; once troops enter the real table zone they have to stop firing. Units will be re-cyled between attacks to represent the larger army coming in 'waves'. The first two attacks will be
  • cavalry only (as per initial attack by the Turks on the Russians at the Battle of Kagul)
  • infantry + cavalry in support


Wittenberg On Table Troop Deployment

With the Begovians forming up across the plain to the west of Mintano, General Waldebeck issued orders for the army to take their battle positions.

The Kings Jagers took up positions on the flanks where there was scrub and woodland...

The massed Wittenberg infantry start to advance ...
The jagers take up their position....
The two brigade squares marched forward, with a third square in the centre holding position ...

The centre square, with General Waldebeck and von Tiddenheim inside,  is fronted by artillery and formed with fusiliers and grenadiers....
The marching squares halt and face outwards, ready for action. Each is supported by light cavalry...

The rest of the light cavalry and the heavy cavalry are further back hidden by a dip in the ground...

to be continued...