Tuesday 18 January 2022

Tinkering with streams ...

After working on my wide river sections, I re-visited my stream sections. These comprise 'Battlefield in a Box' items and one home-made section, which have been painted & varnished. They have a 'light brownish' look - I wanted to give them a tinge of blue and perhaps a bit more reflectivity.

To add the tinge of blue I mixed some mid-blue paint with some gloss varnish, trial item on the left 

Looks better, so I did the rest of the sections with my blue-mix varnish, followed by another coat of clear gloss varnish, 

that'll do 😀 🐍


tradgardmastare said...

Blue mix worked wonders on already great scenery.

The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Very effective !