Sunday, 29 June 2014

The Wittenland Fusiliers ...

The King has popped down to the city barracks to inspect the Wittenland fusiliers who have just received their new uniforms...

 [ The fusiliers which used to sport white uniforms with blue facings have been re-painted in the uniform of Duchy of Saxony regiment von Rochow. Figures: Front Rank, mounted officer Old Glory and NCO's slightly modified Redoubt.]


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

They look smashing! Saxon uniforms are extremely attractive, a fascinating subject, and not something seen on every 18th century table. Well done.

Best Regards,


Capt Bill said...

Handsome lads, indeed...

Faithful Legacy said...

Excellent painting and diorama! I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award. Feel free to answer the questions here:

David Morfitt said...

Splendid fellows! As Stokes says, Saxons are an excellent choice - and definitely one of my favourite armies of the period. :-)

