Sunday, 2 February 2014

Wittenberg - the Uhlans assemble ...

The Uhlans have been ordered to muster at Faustenberg, to the northwest of Heidelheim in the province of Upper Belgravia, where they will be inspected by the King before they take up duties patrolling the border with Monrovia.

Uhlans from the red pulk have left their quarters and are heading towards Schwenk ...

 just outside Schwenk the red pulk converges ...
and then trot towards the town,
after clattering through the streets of Schwenk they join up with the blue pulk who had come a different route ....
 The Uhlans ride across the low hills towards their destination....
 They arrive arrive in the mid-afternoon, entering the valley in front of Faustenburg ...
 The trumpeter from the Kings escort sounds the assembly ...
 The Uhlans form up in front of the town of Faustenburg...
 The King and Field Marshal inspect the Uhlans....
[New items: Kings standard+trumpeter vignette (Hinchcliffe figs); Refurbished items: Gallows; Uhlans Pulks - new lances, standards and bases]


Mosstrooper said...

Smart looking troops !

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Agreed! And good storyboards too. The Hinchliffe vignette is also eye-catching.

Best Regards,


Springinsfeld said...

Splendid work....grisly gallows there!

Archduke Piccolo said...

Methought the the builder of the kiddies' swing has got the designers plans all wrong. But those uhlans are some seriously fine looking troops: sartorially very elegant.

tradgardmastare said...

Pulk-tastic I say!
Super figures and scene too.

Scheck said...

This is a nice Défilée of the Uhlans - I like the atmosphere all around very much. Great work!

David Morfitt said...

I agree with all that has been said above. :-)

