Monday, 27 May 2013

Vynil Tiles - Useful for flooring/courtyards etc

A selection of figures from different scales shown on some self-adhesive vinyl floor tiles (from Wilkinson), brought to my attention by a post on Shed Wars. For about £5 a pack of 6 + P&P. I bought two packs: Mosaic Beige (on left) and Mosaic Effect(or right).

Thursday, 23 May 2013

40mm: Sorting out my wagons...

I had a quick check of the wagons I use for 40mm gaming; these have to be generic enough to use in 17C and 18C; I have 1 water barrel cart, 2 four wheel wagons and 2 two wheel wagons.
The four wheel wagons had their loads removed and have been re-painted as needed with some new removable barrel loads made for them.  The two wheel wagons however I was not satisfied with, so I scrapped them and kept the useable bits; then made some new cart bodies from 2mm cardboard
A quick paint up - shown below with their (removable) loads ....

Friday, 17 May 2013

That damnable Hook .....

The 40mm chaps get back onto the table for 'catch the raiders game' ...
The border war in the south with Saxe-Jarlsberg grumbles on, no major military incursions - but mostly raids across the border from Saxe-Jarlsberg - who have paid the local brigands for their services. The most well known of the brigands is the Hook, he and his brethren have joined with a small detachment of Saxe-Jarlsberg regulars. After a successful raid they are on their way back to cross the border, with their booty in a captured wagon and on some pack ponies.....
The Hook discusses the best route to the border with the Saxe-Jarlsberg army officer ... 
 The border patrols are active, they can summon adjacent nearby patrols by blowing their horns ...
 The raiders make their move and get started ...
The Hook leads the main group through towards the nearby village, while two smaller groups act as flank guards.
 The patrols continue to move on their allotted paths ...
 The raiders are now into the outskirts of the village ..
The chasseurs spot the movement in the village and blow their horn, an answering horn is heard from the nearby jager patrol and some distant responses from other patrols, the Hook and the raiders will have to move quickly ...
The Hook directs one of his flank guards to engage the chasseurs, as the booty is moved through the village..
The small group of Saxe-Jarslberg regulars forming the left flank guard open fire, but soon find they are outnumbered as the nearest jager patrol hurries up to support the chasseurs ...
The raiders left flank guard falls back after taking too many casualties ..., meanwhile the wagons and pack mules carrying the booty from the raid are moved further around the village ...
Two more adjacent patrols arrive, some chasseurs in the path of the 'booty' train, and some more jagers ...
The border patrols close in on the raiders ...
 The Hook directs the raiders to stand and fight ... But their casualties mount ...
The raiders unable to hold their ground, leave the wagon and escape towards the woods with the pack horses, the Hook gives a departing flourish with his hook and a shouts curse at his pursuers before joining the rest of his men.
  The Hook and the remaining raiders escaped capture, but not with all their booty.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

40mm: Saxe-Jarlsberg - riding to the capital ...

The 40mm figs shown here now completed; the completed figures, apart from the officer on foot with spyglass from Front Rank, were assembled from various figs and oddments in the spares box (Irregular Miniatures; Mathias Manke; Front Rank and Sash & Sabre heads; Creartec & Prince August home-casts) ....
Near the Saxe-Jarlsberg capital, a couple of soldiers step to one side to get out of the way of an approaching rider ....
The rider is a senior office from the Duchy of Noverre's army, he is to join the Saxe-Jarlsberg general staff...
It is also rumoured that the Herzog of Saxe-Jarlsberg is in discussion with the Duke of Noverre about hiring some troops (we shall see....)


Meanwhile on a hill marking the border between Saxe-Jarlsberg and the Hofland, officers from the Wittenberg army are checking for enemy activity....