Monday, 9 April 2012

Interior rooms - 'flat-pack' approach

The standard room basic dimensions I currently use are: width 25cm; depth 12.5cm; height 14cm; with (floorspace 25 x 12.5 cm). I wanted to keep these measurements and yet have more practical storage as a completed room takes up space (and I 'm running out of storage room). I decided to have the room walls so they were removable - this means the could be stored 'flat'. Thus a base would be required with the capability to support the walls and keep it all together - but also to be the simplest design I could think of.

So I started with a mdf base and added a thick card floor piece, scribed to represent floorboards ...
 Then I added wall supports using mdf with plastic corner screw blocks - just stuck in place with glue
 Leaving a slot between the floor and supports for the walls to fit into ...
I made up the three walls and slotted them in position, not wanting any complex holding piece for the corners I scribed some thin card offcuts, folded them and used some blue tack - which holds the walls together nicely ...
The 'blank' room assembled with a spare piece of card with a reminder of the measurements of the walls, for when I want to make further room wall sets.
For the flat pack room setup I used 3mm mdf and 2.5mm thick card from some old A4 box folder lids.

In order to check the method out I converted one of my current rooms from 'fixed' setup to flat pack mode. I chose the cellar/inventors workshop, which worked out alright; the paved floor section was saved and I can now use that as an alternative to the standard wooden planked floor.
Now for the next bit - turning the blank room into something ; current idea is to make up an non-palace interior - a coffee shop or bar


joppy said...

What a good idea, space saving and versatile. I might pinch the idea at some point.

Springinsfeld said...

Excellent idea sir

Mosstrooper said...

Clever idea ! very good indeed .

Soldadets said...

Worth to be taken into account, thanks for the tip!