Friday, 30 November 2007
Wittenberg - Schwarze Dragoner Dismounted
I wanted the option of allowing dragoons to dismount and fight on foot, useful for raid scenarioes etc., so here is the first of my dragoon regiments ready for action
Closeup of the dragoon holding the horses, a symbolic dragoon holding 2 horses on a separate stand (horses had reigns removed and new ones added to the hands of the dragoon)
Saturday, 24 November 2007
The Monastery of Alt-Wittendorf
Welcome to the Monastery of Alt-Wittendorf in Wittenberg, home of Brother James ..
Brother James has just arrived back and is conversation with the Abbot ..
Saturday, 17 November 2007
The Battle of PikaStrudel 1740 (3rd Belgravian Wars)
Further extracts from the History of Wittenberg by Brother James of Alt-Wittendorf ...
The preceding day had been very wet and both sides had had great difficulty moving their artillery trains due to the muddy roads.
1) The river crossing begins ...
The Wittenberg Army started across the river at Wollen aware that Monrovian troops had been seen by scouts in the town of PikaStrudel.
The Wittenberg forces:
Commander - Field Marshall, Duke Frederick of Wittenbuffel - with King Leopold III
Cavalry: Guard du Corps; Uhlan Pulk
Infantry:Guard Grenadiers; Fusilier Battalion; Grenadier Battalion; Line Infantry Battalion; Jager Battalion
The Wittenberg troops crossed the bridge and deployed slowly, the Field Marshal was being unusually cautious, he had no artillery to use and wanted to get across the river safely and in good order. He had his suspicions this looked too easy.. Where were the Monrovians ?

2) The Monrovians
General von Stricknein had taken the main body of his forces back to their main camp, but left some troops to monitor the river crossing. He had them encamped to the west of Pikastrudel, out of sight of the river crossing.
Commander - Major General von Rootsbeer
Cavalry: Sierpinksy Hussars
Infantry:Jager Battalion; Battalion of Line Infantry; Grenadier Battalion
Von Rootsbeer hearing from his scouts that the enemy had crossed the river, ordered them to break camp and march post haste to the positions already allocated to them.
Both sides deployed ...
The Wittenberg Uhlans charged the Monrovian Hussars, the Uhlans broke and routed. The Hussars carried on and came up against a battalion of Grenadiers, a sharp volley of musketry decimated the hussars and the remnants broke and ran,

The Wittenberg Fusiliers moved forward to take on the Monrovians; the Monrovians gave a fierce volley in reponse to an ineffective volley from the Fusiliers. The Fusiliers broke and ran.
Up came the next Wittenberg battalion, again their volley was ineffective and Monrovians gave a fierce volley in reponse. The Wittenberg line battalion held their ground, but casualties were mounting ..
The attacking infantry were taking too many casualties. The Field Marshal ordered the withdrawal, saying to the King - Your Majesty we must retire, we won't get anywhere without artillery..
The King of Wittenberg was disappointed, he had wanted to capture Pikastrudel. The Field Marshal was not happy, the Wittenberg infantry had been a unstable, musketry was poor - there was more work to done yet before they would be ready for a major battle.
The Monrovian commander was pleased, he had held off a large force and taken few casualties. He wasn't happy though at losing the pontoon bridge equipment. Where were those three dragoon regiments who had persued him ? He hoped they had gone home.
What the Monrovian commander didn't know was that the three Dragoon regiments had crossed the river under cover of darkness and were on their way to raid a important Monrovian military target.
The preceding day had been very wet and both sides had had great difficulty moving their artillery trains due to the muddy roads.
1) The river crossing begins ...
The Wittenberg Army started across the river at Wollen aware that Monrovian troops had been seen by scouts in the town of PikaStrudel.
The Wittenberg forces:
Commander - Field Marshall, Duke Frederick of Wittenbuffel - with King Leopold III
Cavalry: Guard du Corps; Uhlan Pulk
Infantry:Guard Grenadiers; Fusilier Battalion; Grenadier Battalion; Line Infantry Battalion; Jager Battalion
The Wittenberg troops crossed the bridge and deployed slowly, the Field Marshal was being unusually cautious, he had no artillery to use and wanted to get across the river safely and in good order. He had his suspicions this looked too easy.. Where were the Monrovians ?
2) The Monrovians
General von Stricknein had taken the main body of his forces back to their main camp, but left some troops to monitor the river crossing. He had them encamped to the west of Pikastrudel, out of sight of the river crossing.
Commander - Major General von Rootsbeer
Cavalry: Sierpinksy Hussars
Infantry:Jager Battalion; Battalion of Line Infantry; Grenadier Battalion
Von Rootsbeer hearing from his scouts that the enemy had crossed the river, ordered them to break camp and march post haste to the positions already allocated to them.
Both sides deployed ...
The Wittenberg Fusiliers moved forward to take on the Monrovians; the Monrovians gave a fierce volley in reponse to an ineffective volley from the Fusiliers. The Fusiliers broke and ran.
Up came the next Wittenberg battalion, again their volley was ineffective and Monrovians gave a fierce volley in reponse. The Wittenberg line battalion held their ground, but casualties were mounting ..
The King of Wittenberg was disappointed, he had wanted to capture Pikastrudel. The Field Marshal was not happy, the Wittenberg infantry had been a unstable, musketry was poor - there was more work to done yet before they would be ready for a major battle.
The Monrovian commander was pleased, he had held off a large force and taken few casualties. He wasn't happy though at losing the pontoon bridge equipment. Where were those three dragoon regiments who had persued him ? He hoped they had gone home.
What the Monrovian commander didn't know was that the three Dragoon regiments had crossed the river under cover of darkness and were on their way to raid a important Monrovian military target.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
1740 - Onwards to PikaStrudel ? (3rd Belgravian Wars) ...
Its scenario time again.
Further extracts from the History of Wittenberg by Brother James of Alt-Wittendorf ...
PikaStrudel - 1740
The Wittenberg dragoons shadowing the Monrovian withdrawal from GugenStadt, met up with two regiments of cavalry sent by the King to attempt to block the Monrovians from reaching their river crossing at Wollen.
General von Stricknein had forced marched his troops and crossed the river, they were in such a hurry due to the pursuing Wittenberg cavalry they didn't even dismantle their pontoon bridge. The Wittenberg cavalry reached Wollen and secured the river crossing and waited for further
The King of Wittenberg determined that such a foray into his sovereign territory should not go
without a response gathered his troops together and moved to cross the river at Wollen. His aim to capture the small town of PikaStrudel. His intention was to use it as a base of operation for further strikes into Monrovia.
Further extracts from the History of Wittenberg by Brother James of Alt-Wittendorf ...
PikaStrudel - 1740
The Wittenberg dragoons shadowing the Monrovian withdrawal from GugenStadt, met up with two regiments of cavalry sent by the King to attempt to block the Monrovians from reaching their river crossing at Wollen.
General von Stricknein had forced marched his troops and crossed the river, they were in such a hurry due to the pursuing Wittenberg cavalry they didn't even dismantle their pontoon bridge. The Wittenberg cavalry reached Wollen and secured the river crossing and waited for further
The King of Wittenberg determined that such a foray into his sovereign territory should not go
without a response gathered his troops together and moved to cross the river at Wollen. His aim to capture the small town of PikaStrudel. His intention was to use it as a base of operation for further strikes into Monrovia.
Wittenberg - Guard Cavalry Band
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Duchy of Fenwick - Artillery
42mm Diorama - Hesse-Kassel Artillery
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Inuagural Meeting of the Wittenberg Royal Society
The Royal Society of Wittenberg met for the first time today, in the gardens of at the King's summer palace. They extend their fraternal greetings to all scientists, philosophers etc of Europa and hope to establish ties with similiar groups in other countries.

The court artist painted picture of the event, from left to right:
Brother James of Alt-Witendorf, historian, geographer and amateur astronomer. Shown here demonstrating how to view the moons of Saturn (obviously he has been at the sherry again - the abbot will surely displine him when he gets back to the abbey).
Augustus FinkNottelot (at the table), philosopher, who treatise 'When is Now ? or How What is Where' is well known.
Heinrich Furbusten, Natural Philospher, specialist in agriculture, whose is currently publishing his rather complex crop rotation system.
Johann Jungmann, Chemist - often derided for his alchemical researches. He always seems to look very youthful - he says it is down to a healthy diet and good exercise, following a regimen laid down by his distant relative the Count de St Germain.
Gunther Doppelganger, Mathematician - known for his work on the alegbra of dual sets.
Georg Cantor, Natural Philospher - whose Study 'On Song Birds' is widely read.

The court artist painted picture of the event, from left to right:
Brother James of Alt-Witendorf, historian, geographer and amateur astronomer. Shown here demonstrating how to view the moons of Saturn (obviously he has been at the sherry again - the abbot will surely displine him when he gets back to the abbey).
Augustus FinkNottelot (at the table), philosopher, who treatise 'When is Now ? or How What is Where' is well known.
Heinrich Furbusten, Natural Philospher, specialist in agriculture, whose is currently publishing his rather complex crop rotation system.
Johann Jungmann, Chemist - often derided for his alchemical researches. He always seems to look very youthful - he says it is down to a healthy diet and good exercise, following a regimen laid down by his distant relative the Count de St Germain.
Gunther Doppelganger, Mathematician - known for his work on the alegbra of dual sets.
Georg Cantor, Natural Philospher - whose Study 'On Song Birds' is widely read.
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