Saturday, 21 July 2007

Monrovian Infantry and Wittenberg Engineers

The Monrovian Guard grenadiers ....

The converged Grenadier battalion of the IRs 1,2,3 and 4 ...

The nearly complete Monrovian Army (apart from 2 Infantry Battalions) can be viewed at

Meanwhile across the border in Wittenberg in response to the military build up in Monrovia some engineers are hard at work.


abdul666 said...

Great armies on your 'homepage...'

Bluebear Jeff said...

I like your "parade" of units. Very nice.

-- Jeff

MurdocK said...

Excellent build-up of units!

I see that there are far fewer 'gaps' in names and painted troops.

How soon before they will 'do battle' on the tabletop I wonder?