Saturday 12 February 2022

At Blotwitz....

The bridge over the river Oudear linking Fenwick and Monrovian territory at Pinzendorf is very well defended by Monrovia.  The Duke of Fenwick has decided an assault would not be a sensible course of action and has another plan in mind.

About a mile below the bridge at Pinzendorf is Blotwitz; here are the wharfs where cargo is handled for trans-shipment via pack pony over the non-navigable section of the river Oudear to the north.


The wharf at Blotwitz is not very busy,.....

Nothing much can be seen on the other side of the rive (in Fenwick territory)...
Later in the day a column of Fenwick troops escorting a heavy artillery battery pass through a small village, behind them are more wagons and other troops....
On the hill opposite Blotwitz men are busy preparing the ground...
Fenwick officers observe Blotwitz, making notes of the location of buildings ...
Having concentrated on defending the bridge at Pinzendorf, the Monrovian commanders have managed find a unit to spare to protect Blotwitz - who march into the town in the late afternoon....

to be continued ...


tradgardmastare said...

Great visual story telling and scenery.

Tiberian general said...

Excellent display of wonderful modelling and painting.
