the last of my initial sculpts for 28mm, a horse and generic dragoon (rider separate)
my horse and rider with a Front Rank SYW figure to give a size comparison - I think I've edged toward 30mm 😊
the rider still sits a little high in the saddle and there are a few fluffs that need fixing which the photos have shown up.
Time to start working out the order in which all the accumulated masters (both 40mm & 28mm) will go into moulds
Sunny Sunday - Trains !
4 days ago
Impressive work nonetheless!
Best Regards,
Yes, it's still a great piece - and what many manufacturers would just call 'heroic 28mm'!
Great work! Inspired me to finally get my (much less good) sculpts into a mould and get casting.
Hope all goes well with your mould making
I have some notes on mould making which you might find useful, available from here....
What a beautiful miniature. Great to see you sculpt and paint your own miniatures! Cheers, Karl
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