Part of the strategy for the defence of the Zinzendorf is the building of new military roads to improve supply routes.
A 'sketchy' Map of Zinzendorf province...
The first of these roads is being built from the more heavily populated part of the province out into Nastrovian plains towards the border with Begovia. The road building is already underway - The section from Pulverstadt to ZinzenStadt has been completed, the next section through the Scaden hills to Partoli is underway ....
General Waldebeck visits the work in progress at the 'road-head'....
engineers get ready to cut down a tree in that is in the way ....
the surveyors go ahead marking out the line of the road ....
Sunny Sunday - Trains !
1 day ago
Won't be long before they receive their first consignment of cones! Very nice.
Hope they got planning permission !
Surveyors, great idea!
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