Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Watching the border ....

A look out is being kept across the Begovian border...
All the old watchtowers have been renovated and are manned currently by small detachments of Hofler's pandours..

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Sculpt: Ottoman style horse archer..

Finished a sculpt for an Ottoman style horse archer...
a modified Spahi style figure. The Begovian army will have some of these once I get a mould done.

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Begovian Spahis ...

The first lot of Begovian spahis finished plus command stand...
One more lot of 16 to go, plus the last command stand.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

storage tidy - in progress

During a tidy up in the garage over last weekend, I sorted out some shelving space above my G scale model railway layout to use for my wargaming stuff. Two old warped shelves have been replaced with wider ones to hold up to sixteen 12L 'Very Useful' boxes.
Today I've been organizing a better place to store my 'table riser' sections. All gathered together ready for storage...
I moved my Inet Router box to another location to free up the space between the end of the gaming table and the wall. All the table risers fit in nicely there, with some space for hill sections.
Next job is to sort through the gaming stuff in the spare wardrobe and a cupboard I took control of.....

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Road building .....

Part of the strategy for the defence of the Zinzendorf is the building of new military roads to improve supply routes.

A 'sketchy' Map of Zinzendorf province...

The first of these roads is being built from the more heavily populated part of the province out into Nastrovian plains towards the border with Begovia. The road building is already underway - The section from Pulverstadt to ZinzenStadt has been completed, the next section through the Scaden hills to Partoli is underway ....

 General Waldebeck visits the work in progress at the 'road-head'....
 engineers get ready to cut down a tree in that is in the way ....
 the surveyors go ahead marking out the line of the road ....

Monday, 4 June 2018

Out hunting (2) ..

The King is enjoying his hunting trip to the Sackwald forest. He is out again today...

Not much game has been spotted today, however late in the afternoon a wild boar scurried across in front of him
 - he makes a snap shot and misses... the wild board disappears into the undergrowth...

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Out hunting ...

The King has taken a break for the affairs of state and gone hunting for the weekend in the Sackwald forest. He has a small escort of jagers and a manservant with him ... somewhere in the outer woods .. the jager officer spots something...

 some deer in a clearing ....
the king takes a shot and hits one of the dear - venison for dinner ..