General Waldebecke had been hard at work improving the forces available to him to defend the Zinzendorf province. The King had made extra money available to allow the provincial companies to be expanded into battalions; plenty of recruits were available from two disbanded regiments many of whom had served in the Hoflandt campaign.
The general has collected the bulk of his forces together near Pulverstadt for some field manoeuvres, forming up for line of march etc....
the little army on the move in line of march column...
feldjager scouts out in front...
jagers in front of the main column ....
the regular regiment leads the column with uhlans on either side ....
the four provincial battalions form the main body of the column with the artillery in the middle ....
the dragoon regiment is at the rear of the column ....
absent from the field manoeuvres are Hofler's pandours who are on border patrol with the local militia companies.
Sunny Sunday - Trains !
10 hours ago
What an impressive looking force!
Splendid and very impressive!
Nice looking army!
Allan, Very colourful!
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