The troops have been mustered and they are in their camps; the day has arrived for the grand review of the army..
Two staff officers ride across the parade area ....
Troops assemble in the nearby camp ...
The artillery have moved out early in the morning and deployed. A gun salute from them signals the start of the march past....
They are followed by the rest of the infantry, the Leib-Regiment and von Behr...
then regiments von Zastrow and Von Imhoff ...
followed by the Converged Grenadier battalion and the Volschen Fusiliers ...
as the troops file past they have been slowly taking up their positions for the ride past inspection ...
The last units march past, the cavalry - Prinz Ludwig Dragoons and the Von Roth Hussars ..
After the march past the Herzog, Count Pottensdorf and the staff officers carry out their ride by inspection ....
After the inpection the Herzog and his generals go for a lunch at the nearby hunting lodge. The Herzog commends Count Pottensdorf for the re-organisation of the army and the fine parade and excellent turnout of the troops.