Tuesday, 14 June 2016

New table surface ...

The hunt is on to find some suitable fabric to re-cover my gaming table. The existing table surface has faded off over the years and has some accumulated some damage. The table itself is in need of a re-build - as it is really too heavy to move. So the gaming table has to be replaced,
---- lightweight table (to allow removal to access the windows behind)
---- to be covered in green fabric
---- new higher backscene boards
---- increase the table depth if possible

I have a candidate for the gaming surface, I bought some fabric a couple of years ago to make roads with - I had a couple of spare strips leftover and tried a quick check on how it looks with figures and some terrain items
not bad, there is a slight pattern in it that looks like variation in grass length. Now if I could only remember where I got the fabric from !


Maj. Guiscard said...

I hope you find the fabric. That sample looks great

Gallia said...

Some fabric I've tried over the years snag bases. Suggestion: Find fabric where bases can be shoved across the top effortlessly. A time saver and not vexing.

If the fabric is large enough to overlap the tables by a minimum of 6" in all four directions, you can place all kinds of things underneath to make rolling terrain.

Good luck with your attractive creations!

Bill P.