for the Wittenberg army, the grenadier company of the Wittenland Fusilers,
Again for Wittenberg a company of Uhlans from the Blue Pulk
[Figs: modified hussars cast from Creartec moulds]
An outline of the scenario for the next skirmish game in the 3rd Belgravian Wars - the Monrovians despatch Count Pottsendorf and his Saxe-Jarlsberg troops to disperse the Wittenberg troops at Verlendt commanded by General Waldebeck.
I'm unfamiliar with the Creartec company. The only moulds that I know of are from Prince August.
How do they compare in quality, cost, range, ease of use, etc.?
-- Jeff
Nice, very toy-soldierly! :-)
40mm looking good.
Do you have skirmish games in mind or are these more 'for show'?
I am also interested in the Creartec moulds...hmm perhaps a google needs doing.
Creartec moulds are about twice the price of the Prince August ones. They are made out of a more flexible material. I needed to add some air vents for the horses. In use they are about the same as the Prince August ones. The range is limited to:
Marching Grenadiers/Officers
Artillery gun+crew
The Creartec moulds range can be seen at:
and follow the 40mm link.
I got the moulds to increase the range of options I had to build units for my skirmish games - see the last one I fought with 40mm figs at
-- Allan
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