Some senior officers have just arrived to inspect the muster camp for the Wittenberg Legion.

The artillery have already arrived and are doing some target practice. There are also a few recruits for the infantry. A closeup of the staff and officers ..
[Figs Artillery and Infantry - Irregular Miniatures; Foot Staff - from Old Glory AWI Command staff pack, Mounted Officers from the Old glory AWI Foreign General pack]
As usual you have some nice little vignettes to share with us. Thank you.
-- Jeff
A wonderful diorama, and original yet fully on-topic & in-character, as always!
I agree with the previous comments. Very nice!
I've been in a bit of a painting slump (but I have been getting out to ride my bicycle). Posts like this help get me psyched up to get some more painting in. I want to try to figure out what miniatures I should paint so I can start getting some battles in sometime before the current campign season is over (that is, before the end of the year).
Where did you find the gibbons???
I noticed nice terrain bits in the background of the photos ...
Are any of these figures in 15 mm?
Answers to a couple of questions:
1. All the figures are 25mm; some terrain pieces are made using some pieces from an Italeri set(can't remember which one).
2. The Gabions are sourced from Irregular Miniatures, 25mm item code 25/70
-- Allan
The tents?
Please identify the place to buy them. Are they 25mm? Thanks,
Bill of Gallia
The tents are scratchbuilt from card formers and paper. Washed with a dilute beige colour.
See one of my earlier posts
I think I still have the templates somewhere
-- Allan
Thank you Allan,
I need (or think I need) a lot of them. So I was hoping to buy a box load from someplace and spray painting them for starters. Fast! No need to post the templates for me anyhow but thank you! They look terrific.
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