18th Century Wargaming - the ongoing saga of the conflicts between Wittenberg and neighbouring countries..
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Supply Train
I needed a wagon to for my supply train. I had a some of spare wheels so I scratchbuilt a wagon from cardboard; to complete it I used some Front Rank horses and rider.
The wagon with the rest of my supply train:
[pack horses/pack mules and small cart - Irregular Miniatures]
You could also have a second wagon if you used the one from your 40mm ECW army and switched horses . . . then your supply train would be even more impressive.
A blog documenting the encounters between the armies of the imaginary nations of the Kingdom of Wittenberg and its neighbours (including the Kingdom of Monrovia and their allies). My inspiration being drawn from 'Charge or How to Play Wargames' by Young & Lawford and 'The Wargame' by Charles Grant.
I have a number of other period interests for wargaming (from ancients to WW2), these have their own blogs, see below.
An often neglected part of any army - and you made it as good-loking as the rest!
Nice cartwrighting!
It looks very good.
You could also have a second wagon if you used the one from your 40mm ECW army and switched horses . . . then your supply train would be even more impressive.
-- Jeff
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