A skirmish at Rottenhausen [a solo game I played last Saturday morning]
Count Pottensdorf looked out of the window in dismay at the state of the dragoons, hussars, jagers and grenadiers which had arrived at Ottenheim; he had just received a despatch from General Stricknein:
Out-manouvered at Erlangen, left flank routed - main body of the army intact. Expect remnants of units from the left flank to arrive at Ottenheim; you will take command of them - use them to protect the supply lines and the route to the river crossing at Vanderhof. I have wrong-footed the Wittenberg pursuit and I am at least 3 days march ahead of them. Urgent - send troops to hold village of VortVod to the north of Ottenheim; I expect to arrive there in a few days.
The Count rode out to the camp to inspect the troops and on his return to his quarters he wrote orders:
1) The Jagers - join with rest of Saxe-Jarslberg jagers and proceed to the Village of Wortvod.
2) The grenadiers (who were in no fit state) - return south to defend the river crossing.
3) The hussars - escort the grenadiers and return with supplies.
4) The remnants of the Saxe-Jarslberg dragoons, 60 men from a regiment of 240, to be billeted in Ottenheim.
5) All Saxe-Jarslberg and Hesse-Limburger troops to concentrate at Ottenheim.
After two days march south the Grenadiers and hussars arrived at the river crossing.
'Skirmish Report'
After the Monrovian supply column passed Rottenhausen and was nearing some woodland, the jager scouts shouted 'In the woods !'. The Wittenberg Jagers had appeared on the edge of the woods..
The Monrovian infantry surrendered their muskets and were allowed to leave the field with their colours and march back to Vanderhof.
General Waldebeck, took control of the supply train and moved to the west back towards Verlendt.
Some hussars made it through to Ottenheim where Count Pottensdorf learned of the loss of the supply column and the reinforcements; he sent an immediate despatch to the Monrovian army commander General von Stricknein.
Supply column intercepted by Wittenberg troops at Rottenhausen; infantry re-inforcements and hussars lost or routed. Have sent two companies of Jagers to hold Vortvod; I am unable to send re-inforcements - I will need all my troops to hold Ottenheim to keep the route to Vanderhof open.
Thanks! I enjoyed the illustrated battle report. :-)
Very entertaining battle report - great photos too!
Another great layout and battle report. Well done!
Best Regards,
An enjoyable brisk action, so pleasantly reported!
Somehow I had missed this report. An excellent one (as always), with fine photos (again, as always).
-- Jeff
Hello Tidders- Realy enjoy your Postings for all your Blog Titles-very much like the 28mm Viking and 28mm 7Yrs War Fictional Armies- between Monrovia and Wittenberg- Your Figures and Terrain is very inspirational - Congratulations! Best Regards from Kev.
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