Sunday, 10 June 2007

Fusiliers Under Review ...

King Leopold IV of Wittenberg and his son Prince Wilhelm review the Wittenland fusiliers before they depart to join the corp of observation ...

Meanwhile the Queen talks to her daughters Katerina, Wilhemina (Wilhem's twin sister) and Ursula ...

[Figs: Fusiliers -Front Rank, King & Queen - Willie, children - Minifigs]


Bluebear Jeff said...

Oh, it is so nice to see the royal family.

Might I inquire as to the girls' ages? My prince has three sons and should things work out properly (and should they like each other, perhaps there might be an alliance at some point.

-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

meadows boy said...

Really enjoying the blog, well done!
So much so, I have started my own,
early days yet but I am keen!
