Saturday, 7 April 2007

Jagers for Monrovia

Courtesy of my new digital camera, some pictures of the newly mustered Monrovian jager battalion.

(figures are Old Glory AWI Hessian Jagers)


Bluebear Jeff said...

Ah, so those are some of the Monrovian scum that are threatening Wittenberg. Hopefully your troops will soon take their measure.

By the way, I particularly like the backdrop to the first photo . . . very European.

-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

Ed said...

I really like that backdrop, too! Is it something you put together? A commercial product?


old-tidders said...

A note on the photo shot background:

The background is a commercial product and is produced by a UK company named PECO. I used PESK-32 Country Landscape - Medium Size - 178 x 559mm / 7 x 22in. Try this

to view the full range