Saturday, 22 March 2025

40mm Wittenberg Army review....

I laid out the bulk of the 40mm Wittenberg army to review it on the new table surface (the militia infantry and cavalry units are on border duty so they didn't get to be on parade ).   

A view along the table....

The big cheese - General Waldebeck...

From one side to the other .... Kings Jagers in the woods...
The heavy cavalry - Dragoons and Kurassiers
The infantry .....

The light cavalry - Hussars and Uhlans...
On the other flank Hofler's Pandours...
The artillery...

'Atmos' pic along the front of the infantry ...

One of the reasons for the review was to see if any repairs were needed as many of the moulds I used to cast the bulk of the figures are at 'end of life'. Fortunately no repairs or new castings are needed.

I inspected all the moulds I'd used to cast the figures - they had definitely had it and have been binned.  I have kept my own home-made cavalry moulds which are still serviceable; if I want more infantry then I'll have to make some moulds from the new masters I made last year.


Tiberian general said...

Fantastic work Allan.


Stryker said...

What a splendid array of troops - well done!

Donnie McGibbon said...

Super parade, it looks a great army, very nice indeed.

David Morfitt said...

Now that is a wonderful display! Terrifc work. Congratulations! :-)

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

A stunning and inspiring array indeed! I can almost hear the drums, trumpets, and shouted orders to present arms.

Kind Regards,


tradgardmastare said...

Terrific parade Tidders, more epic than Ben Hur. They look so good together.
Alan Tradgardland

The Good Soldier Svjek said...


Duke of Baylen said...

Good news that no repairs were needed. The army has certainly grown and has a wonderfully colourful mix of uniforms. You've every right to be pleased and to enjoy a parade and review. I guess they'll test the size of your battlefield. Perhaps a small campaign is in order. Thanks for posting the photos.

Phil said...

Absolutely magnificent! best rgds. Phil