Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Palace Rooms go 'Flat-Pack'...

 In my ongoing quest for storage space the remaining palace rooms are going 'flat-pack', to save on storage space.

I have three rooms already which are flat-pack, plus four more which are not. The large entrance hall will not save much space if flat-packed so I'll leave that be for the moment.

I did the throne room first as it was the most complex one; cut the walls to fit the generic base (this has slots in it for the walls).
After a bit of trimming it went together...
As I'd got the hang of it I did the rest; so I have seven possible rooms that can be setup as need for story line pictures and all now taking about one of of the storage.


The Good Soldier Svjek said...

What a clever idea

Andy McMaster said...

Indeed. Very good idea.

Archduke Piccolo said...

Neat system!

Tomo said...

Imaginative ideas, excellent work!

tradgardmastare said...

A cunning plan indeed, excellent work.
Alan Tradgardland

David Morfitt said...

Nicely done! :-)

Tiberian general said...

Fantastic modelling Allan.


Pechlivan said...

These rooms are lovely!