Wednesday, 22 November 2023

SYW French - The Duchy of Noverre...

The Duchy of Noverre, has had a presence in my Imagi-Nations for a few years as an ally of Monrovia.  This currently is a couple of regiments - both SYW French.

I thought it would be nice to expand the Duchy's forces into to a small army. Rummaging in boxes for little used stuff has located almost three regiments that can be re-used with some minor changes and new flags. I'll also be adding some artillery and cavalry (the cavalry will probably be some of my generic SYW cavalry).

The current infantry regiments Lorraine and Montmorin

currently mustering are regiments Rouergue, Royal Rousillon and O'Clare
a few holes to fill on these three regiments (drummers & some officers), the I'll finish the bases.

Sunday, 19 November 2023

Campaign PDF - Begovian Wars (Vol 2), from Sprengenhof to Minsonda

All of the last Begovian Wars campaign actions in one place in order of play...

available in a PDF file from here...