Saturday, 10 December 2022

A little smuggling ....

A revenue patrol head towards the river (they've had a tip off...)

The smugglers have rope hauled their contraband in barrels up the river ....
The barrels are pulled out as a cart approaches ....
The barrels are loaded up....
The light of the smugglers lantern attracts the revenue patrols attention ....
Two men roll the large barrel over the foot bridge to take it to the mill, while the rest set off with the cart .
"Halt or I'll shoot".. shouts the lead revenue man...
Before he gets the chance he is shot .....
hearing the shooting, the other two men drop the large barrel into the river and run ....
As the smugglers move the cart away, both sides open fire
The revenue men close in...
The cart has gone round the back of the farmhouse ...
and off down the road ..... they've got the contraband away ...
The revenue men see to their wounded and check the dead smugglers for any papers or indication of who they are working for ....
The robed man is of particular interest, he carries a medallion inscribed with three interlaced 'D's; a report will be made on this evenings patrol - the dead smugglers will be taken for further examination and burial at the nearest town.

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