Thursday, 27 June 2019

Sarfala.. the battle ...

The Begovian horse archers set off to worry the Wittenberg infantry,  giving their artillery a good line of sight to start firing on the Wittenberg battery....
 The Begovians send some provincial infantry to secure the woods and farm on the cavalry's flank, however they find Hoflers pandours in residence ....
 the Begovian infantry start their advance towards the Wittenberg lines ...
Action starts on the left; the Land Militia cavalry charge the Begovian light cavalry ...
 The Begovian infantry close on the Wittenberg position ...
 The Wittenberg Uhlans charge forward and engage the Begovian light cavalry to their front ....
The Begovian provincial infantry takes heavy casualties from the Wittenberg infantry
 and lose their nerve, routing back through the next line of advancing troops ...
 The Wittenberg cavalry are pressing the right flank of Begovians hard... but not gaining much ground
 On the other flank the cavalry melee continues
 The second line of advancing infantry fair no better, unable to match the firepower of the opposition, after receiving a fierce volley they turn and rout ....
 Some Wittenberg cavalry see an opportunity and attack the routing and disorganised infantry ....
 The Wittenberg Uhlans finally get the better of the Begovian cavalry who rout pursued by the Uhlans...
On their right flank the Begovians have repulsed the Wittenberg cavalry, both sides have broken off and are re-grouping...
 Osram Pasha with his infantry in shreds and running from the field,  his right flank gone, and the remainder of his army at risk of being surrounded decides to retreat ...

A victory for Wittenberg

Friday, 21 June 2019

40mm Sculpt: Hussar...

Over the last couple of weeks I've been looking at my mid-18C 40mm sculpts, I felt I wanted to do some more work on them. To get me started I thought I ought to have a go at a hussar. I did some work on the hussar style horse I had already done to tidy a few fluffs, then got the basic hussar dolly done and ensure it fitted onto the horse. I also decided to do a dismounted hussar as well. I finished the sculpts this morning - there are a few fluffs to fix before they go into moulds.  The mounted chap...
and his dismounted counterpart ...
I enjoyed working on these sculpts, most of the cavalry I had done previously was alright but the Uhlan was not correct, I'd rushed it a bit and fudged a few things - so I'll rework that one next.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Sarfala - the Begovian army deploys ...

General Waldebeck watches the Begovian army deploying; (he still awaits the arrival of a brigade of infantry and some cavalry ... they have made slow progress in their march)
 the Begovian left flank ...
 their centre ...
 their right flank ....

Monday, 17 June 2019

At Sarfala .....

A the lead elements of the Wittenberg army arrive on the low hills near Sarfala,  a small detachment of scouts head out to check for the position of the Begovian army ...
 As more troops arrive General Waldebeck makes his initial dispositions ....

 The scouts return, the Begovian army is approaching .....
 Begovian light cavalry come into view ....
The Begovian commander Osram Pasha arrives, examines the opposition and starts to deploy his troops .....

Sunday, 16 June 2019

The Wittenberg army marches eastwards ...

General Waldebeck and his staff watch the army pass bay as they head east towards the invading Begovians.
The army is nearing its destination, the General has picked some ground to deploy and give battle...

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Boduki falls ....

The Begovian army prepares to assault the defended trading post at Boduki ....

 as the Begovian troops close in on the trading post, the last small river boat leaves ....
 The Begovian troops advance towards the main gate ...
 they are soon at the walls and the scaling ladders go up .....
fighting is hard .....most attempts to scale the walls fail, however some Begovians get over the defences by the wharf ....
 some find a gap by the main gate and those by the wharf push forwards - the defenders seem to be holding them and start to push them back ...
 another attempt to scale the walls at the corner by the main gate fails ....
 the Begovians close in to the attack on the rest of the trading post ....
 more Begovians are getting in by the wharf and gaining ground ....
 even though the defenders have held the perimeter elsewhere the attackers have opened the main gate and now in surrounding pockets of defenders....
the situation is untenable - the defenders surrender - Boduki has fallen .....

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Boduki surrounded ....

while the defences are probed by some Begovian infantry and horse archers ...
 Osram Pasha arrives and starts to organise his troops (there are no river boats to hand so they will have to lay siege and assault)..
 the artillery is deployed, as infantry get into position...
 The defenders fire a ranging shot from one of their guns....

Saturday, 8 June 2019

the Begovians reach Boduki...

Lead elements of the Begovian army arrive at Boduki ...
 the defenders of the trading post stand-to ...

Friday, 7 June 2019

At Boduki ...

News of the approaching Begovian army has emptied the small town of Boduki, the last few civilians head out to cross the ferry over the river and then westwards...
Some way out of the town is the river trading post, which has been fortified as part of the border defences; a small ship unloaded some supplies ....
 meanwhile the trading posts garrison commander has handed some despatches to a detachment of dragoons who will deliver them to General Waldebeck...
 not long after the dragoons had left, the land militia which had been protecting the town march up to take positions to defend the trading post