printed out some of my cobble sheet paper and got on with sticking it to 4 cork floor tiles. there is some repeat and line areas but not too bad overall, looks odd when bare...
but add in some buildings and then much better....
I will experiment with trying to remove the darker bands with some carefully applied lighter grey paint and also some light brown to vary the look of the cobbles.
More civilians....
1 day ago
Very convincing cobblestones.
Looks great!
Best Regards,
Looks great! I'm not sure how long it has been since I have seen such a grand expanse of pavement uninterrupted by potholes, puddles and "men at work" signs... I wonder what the 18th century equivalent would be? Piles of straw and dung probably! A man or two working to build or repair paving with picks and rocks/bricks might be a nice touch down the road.
Allan, it looks nice, but I wonder if the previous problem could have been solved with a superior glue for the embossed paper?
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