The Monrovia/Fenwick border war had seemed to pause with both sides taking no real action, pondering their next moves...
A Fenwick supply train for one of their forts near the border was en route ...
it had just been joined by a small cavalry escort, when Monrovian cavalry on a raid was seen heading towards them ....
The Monrovian hussars attacked the escort and began to chase off the cattle herders ...
while the hussars attack the herders, the cattle move away ....
some hussars started to round up cattle; a couple of herders had managed to get a few cattle out of the way...
meanwhile the rest of the Monrovian hussars supported by the dragoons deal with the supply train escort ....
the hussars round up the cattle and start to drive them back towards the border ....
with the supply train escort in full flight (some of the wagons spilling their loads in the rush) , the Monrovian hussars move the cattle on ....
A successful raid by the Monrovians .....
Coach works(10) : All the styrene strip stuck on ...
22 hours ago