continued from the previous post ...
They had made good time and arrived safely at Ottenheim in the early afternoon; early in the evening Steffen Hofler decided to stretch his legs - so he went for a walk. Having seen what there was of the small burgh town he started on his way back the inn where he was staying....
As he entered a small square a woman's voice shouted "Watch Out" and he was pulled rather roughly behind a pile of crates...
just in time too, as the sound of of pistol and musket in fire in the square broke the quiet of the evening.....
Not knowing what he had got into, assuming the lady was in trouble, Steven drew his sword and bravely took on one of the men in the square ...
He had the better of him and the other fellow was looking worried .... other men were running from the square under fire from a group of women ...
Steffen parried and then made to lunge, but slipped and fell to the floor ....
He picked himself up and found his opponent was gone. The woman who pulled him out of the way introduced herself as Mademoiselle Givenchy along with her lady Irregulars in the service of the crown. She explained he had walked in on an ambush laid for Sennari's Marauders...
She thanked him for his help and he made his way back to the inn, deciding to have a drink of before he went to bed. He had something eventful to write in his journal and a tale to tell .....
Coach works(10) : All the styrene strip stuck on ...
20 hours ago