Saturday, 29 November 2014

A spot of hunting ....

The King and the Field Marshall, with an escort of horse grenadiers, arrive at the King's hunting lodge in the forest some 10 miles from Wittenberg.
After a restful evening and night they head out hunting. They have a good day and have already shot five deer and two wild boar. Late in the afternoon while stalking a herd of deer they reach a small clearing, staring defiantly at them is a white hart ....
 The King in awe of this beautiful and brave animal, declines to shoot it and lets it go off into the forest.

Friday, 28 November 2014

40mm: Pandours for Wittenberg - WIP2

I have finished off three more pandour conversions ....
so 6 done, 18 to go. I've run out of figs, so I've ordered 18 more pandours to convert plus some hungarian infantry which may provide some more body poses to play with.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

40mm: Pandours for Wittenberg - WIP

I've decided to add a battalion of pandours to Witteneberg's Boritzy Freikorps; I'll be building the unit up from some Creartec homecasts and Irregular Miniatures pandour figure. The aim is to have lots of different pose figures, so conversions to do with green stuff etc.

I've finished doing the officers

and have 3 of the pandours done, original Irregular Miniatures on the left and a couple with simple change of pose.
I have another 21 pandours to work on, so will post pictures as things develop.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

40mm: Wittenberg - Kurassiers

Colonel Waldebeck finishes his round of inspections of the forces at his disposal. Today he is checking out a detached squadron of Kurassier regiment von Plotz.

[note: the Kurassier figures are Creartec homecasts]

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Burnt to dust ....

continued from the previous post ...

After the frightening events at the palace on All Hallows Eve; the monks of Alt-Wittenberg have been charged with the safe disposal of the mummy of King Rubbatiti.


On All Souls Day a precession of monks left the abbey of Alt-Wittenberg for a nearby field where preparations have been made ...
 The mummy was placed on top of a large funeral pyre...
the monks sing prayers as the pyre burns ...
thus the mortal remains of King Rubbatiti are gone, burnt to dust; may his soul find eternal rest. 

The end of this strange and chilling incident .......