My take on Brunswick Leib Infantry Regiment completed for the Saxe-Jarlsberg army, I've used Foundry Prussian Guard figures (IR 15) and not done the scalloped hat lacing.
Coach works(7) : Preparation ...
1 day ago
18th Century Wargaming - the ongoing saga of the conflicts between Wittenberg and neighbouring countries..
My take on Brunswick Leib Infantry Regiment completed for the Saxe-Jarlsberg army, I've used Foundry Prussian Guard figures (IR 15) and not done the scalloped hat lacing.
Well not a mat, but a fleece finish table covering from Redbubble; a large 'summer grass' throw see here link . [Dimensions 203.2 x 152.4 cm]
A selection of beasties and nasties for 'Devilry Afoot' type games....
My take on Brunswick SYW light troops, the Volontaires Auxiliaires, joins the Saxe-Jarlsberg army...
On the march...
The Uhlans (figures Foundry)..