Thursday, 27 October 2022

Stop those guns !

Back to the Begovian wars - this time a raid by Wittenberg into Begovian territory. 

Spies have provided information that Begovia is moving up some big artillery pieces towards the frontier.  Wittenberg forces slipped into Begovian territory overnight and made their way to intercept the artillery train ...


Begovian artillery move down a wide drove road towards the border area ....
A small group of men are detached from the escort to act as a flank guard for a wooded area coming up on their left further down the road...
Hiding somewhere in the woods a detachment of Wittenberg's Kings jagers...
The Begovian column moves on down the road ....
But they are being watched ...
The rear gun gets stuck in a rut ......
the lead gun is moving along without any problems ...
Just as the Begovians get the rear gun moving again they come under attack....
more Wittenberg troops start to close in, moving towards the lead gun ...
The Begovians get the rear gun moving again, but come under fire from the hedges to their right....
The jagers get into a fire-fight with the Begovian flank guard in the woods...
The rear gun is making good ground, catching up with the lead gun, however there is not much left of their escort...
Wittenberg troops are closing in on the rear gun ....
The remaining lead gun escort holds off an attack by a small number of Wittenberg troops....
The rear gun is being surrounded ....
The drover halts the team at the point of a gun ....
The Wittenberg raiding troops, break up the horse team and set about rendering the gun unusable...
The Begovians manage to get away with the lead gun ....

Begovian escort badly mauled, and one gun saved. 

Wittenberg take some casualties and have destroyed one gun - a successful raid



1) Forces:

Begovia: 26 infantry and 2 limbered guns.    [Casualties 18 dead]
Wittenberg: 6 jagers, 26 land militia (in 4 squads of 6, & two scouts). [Casualties 8 dead]

2) gun movement rules

  • Each move, each limbered gun dices (1D6) for movement distance...
    • 1 -  Lead horse halts and will not move - zero movement
    • 2 - Stuck in a rut - 3 inches
    • 3,4 - normal move 6 inches
    • 5 - going well - 7 inches
    • 6 - very good ground - 8 inches

3) positioning of Wittenberg raiding force - randomised arrival/position for each squad of 6.

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

The duellists ..

 Finally finished the last of the Ratnik Miniatures sitting on my painting desk ... the duellists...