Monday, 30 May 2016

A matter of convenience ....

The King ever considerate of his visitors has had suitable small buildings erected in carefully selected positions in the palace grounds. These provide some privacy and shelter for personal relief. They contain small cupboards which contain suitable pottery receptacles which are emptied twice daily.
A servant provisioning one of the new conveniences

[new item - 17C Indian Sentry Box, from Front Line Wargaming]

Saturday, 28 May 2016

A selection of civilians

A small collection of civilians near completion, some work to do yet and will be affixing to clear plastic bases as needed
[having camera problems at the moment, the focus is a bit off sometimes - or maybe its just me and I've messed up the settings ;) ]

Monday, 23 May 2016

Something for the woods ...

A nice find at the local Toy & Train fair yesterday - a Britains Oak Tree. It was missing a few bits, but managed to fill in with some spare pieces I had.  Shown here assembled with some 28mm figures (perhaps more suitable for use with my 40mm)