...or perfection by degrees, whereby Prinz Albrecht of Wittenberg describes how he goes about painting his toy soldiers ...illustrated with watercolours showing some points in the painting process ..
Stuff what I use:
Undercoat: Acrylic Black Gesso
Paints: - Acrylics, mostly Games Workshop, Crafters Arcylics and some Vallejo (occasionally some Humbrol enamel)
Brushes - a real mix, of manufacturers; I tend to stick to Humbrol ones with a few cheapies for undercoating. May occasioanlly buy some expensive brushes if they are on special offer. To get the brush head side I want for fine work I trim down the brush removeing the bristles with a small pair of nail scissors.
Bases: 1.5mm Daler mounting board for 25/28mm and the 'penny piece' round size for singles; for my 40mm figures I use 2mm thick cardboad usually from damaged or retired A4 box folder lids and the 'two penny piece' round size for singles.
Varnish: Humbrol satin spray varnish
Usual order of activity (for infantry)....20 steps to delight ...
step 1 - tidy up figs (remove flash etc) and stick to painting 'blanks' - I generally use offcuts of foamboard, sometimes cardboard or plastic bottle tops for single figures.
step 2 - undercoat - slop on the gesso
step 3 - brown splodge - paint hair, muskets etc. If uniform is red or white (or light shade) the whole figure receives a brown undercoat.
step 4 - If main colour of figure is white or light colours, then I apply a first coat.
step 5 - paint over the flesh areas - hands, face etc
step 6 - trousers/waistcoats
step 7 - coats
step 8 - hats, boots and gaiters
step 9 - brown, touch over the brown areas if needed (usually as I splodge).
step 10 - facings
step 11 - paint bases of figures (snot green)
step 12 - hat trim/grenadier mitres
step 13 - buttons
step 14 - metal - swords, bayonets and gun barrels
step 15 - belts
step 16 - touch in: I work through starting with flesh, then dark to light sequence - amending any fluff-ups during painting
step 17 - Faces plus black line detail. Faces- I add dots for eyes, (sometimes eyebrows) plus moustache. Sashes etcs show some idea of the folds. For this I use a fine permanent marker.
step 18 - remove from painting blanks and fix to gaming bases
step 19 - paint gaming bases
step 20 - spray with satin varnish
For cavalry, similar scheme as above for the riders, horses done separately in approx sequence
h1 - brown overall splodge
h2 - tails, manes & hoofs
h3 - harness and straps (black)
h4 - gold - for brass bits on harness
h5 - white 'socks' etc
h6 - figure bases
h7 - touch-in
h8 - fix to gaming bases