Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pelardon: Sortie (part 1) ....

Its about an hour before dawn ... (piccies shown in black & white to indicate darkness)
The monrovians are in the process of relieving the men in the trenches of the first parallel, companies of the Volontaire de Noverre are swapping their positions.
At Fausignac there is movement in the covered way....
The sentries see nothing unusual from their viewpoint.....
The troops to undertake a sortie to attempt to 'demolish' the first parallel are ready to go ...
Some cavalry stand ready by the main gate ....
to be continued ......


MurdocK said...

looks great!

abdul666 said...

Camisardes(*) -as said in French- were generally hectic actions with unpredictable outcomes...
*: because soldiers of the side initiating the action wore their shirt (old Southern French camisa) above any other piece of dress and armor for easy IFF in the darkness.

J. Leeuwensteyn said...


Corporal_Trim said...

Great stuff, Allan.

A simple but very clever idea to use B&W to indicate the hours of darkness. Likewise the parallels and saps represented by dirt berms rather than worrying about modeling actual trenches.
