Sunday 21 January 2024

Kleinwein : the trap is sprung ...

 continued from the previous post ...

Count Zandeman chats with the leader of the local Brotherhood of Duhn chapter, while they wait for a wagon to come ...
The wagon arrived and it was quickly loaded up and sets off, with Count Zandeman leading the way down the road towards Runtsdorf..
watching their progress from across the road, some of the the lady Irregulars; others were also in position  ready to make their move ...
Hofler & Givenchy, with a couple of the Irregulars, hurry down the edge of the vineyard to get in position by the road....
The wagon and escort on the road to Runtsdorf; the Irregulars await the signal to open fire...
The trap is sprung... the Irregulars open fire ...
more Irregulars move on the vineyard buildings....
The surprise attack startles the wagon escort who panic and run back down the road, only to find more of the Irregulars in their path...
after coming under fire, the local leader of the Brotherhood of Duhn runs to the corner building to get some help....some extra men turn out of the building to protect him...
Count Zandeman hops the hedge and makes a run for it as the Irregulars try to get as many of the others as possible ....

Meanwhile in amongst the vineyard buildings the Brotherhood are trying to get across to the corner of the courtyard
and get embroiled in hand-to-hand combat with the Irregulars...
The Irregulars come of worst and the some of the Brotherhood escape ...
and make it to the safety of the woods ....

A sort of successful action, with the Brotherhood of Duhn's fur pelt smuggling operation closed down and all the illicit goods seized. However the escape of Count Zandeman and the local leader of the Brotherhood of Duhn will no doubt cause future trouble for the authorities.

Postscript:  Count Zandeman declared a fugitive at large by the authorities; his estates and monies have been confiscated by the crown.


Losses by both side:
  • Brotherhood of Duhn - Started with 17.  1 captured; 10 wounded: 6 of  which recovered and were imprisoned, with 4 that died; the rest escaped.
  • Givenchy's Irregulars - Started with 22.  4 wounded: 3 of which recovered and 1 that died.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

On the way to Kleinwein...

continued from the previous post ...

The lady Irregulars had been investigating while Mlle Givenchy and Colonel Hofler were busy in Runtsdorf. They'd followed the robed figure back to a vineyard north of Runtsdorf called Kleinwein; owned by a poor noble family the Counts of  Zandeman who resided at the small schloss nearby.   On observation, they found that hunters were bringing in pelts of animals from the Sackwald forest and at the vineyard they were put in barrels for shipment elsewhere.   Discreet enquiries in the area (including numerous inns and bawdy houses) gleaned the information that the whole scheme was run by the wolf chapter of the Brotherhood of Duhn.


In the evening a  message arrived at the inn for Givenchy and Hofler; 'Ready to Move on target, meet by the windmill at Maltdorf just before sunrise'. The next morning Givenchy and Hofler slipped out of the inn and headed out of town ..

They met Lisette at the windmill and followed her towards their target, the vineyard of Kleinwein...
They hurried on; they had to cross the river to meet with the rest of the Irregulars.....
not far ahead they could see the vineyard ....

to be continued ....

Wednesday 10 January 2024

In Runtsdorf...

 Mlle Givenchy and Colonel Hofler had arrived in Runtsdorf , to the south of the Sackwald forest, to investigate a possible resurgence of the Brethren of the Wolf.  They had presented their credentials to the burgomaster, who provided them with details of recent attacks by the beast; some seemed genuine but two or three were suspect - they were persons who had taken an interest in stopping the trading of furs from illegal hunting in the Sackwald forest. They agreed to investigate these incidents and pass on what they found out to the Burgomaster....


 Mlle Givenchy and Colonel Hofler, took a stroll round Runtsdorf:

A strange robed character attracted their interest....
they followed him discreetly down an alleyway into another street...
then through to the back of an Inn courtyard with stables  ... the robed fellow gave a knock on the door - they could just hear him being asked for a password before he went in..they noted the location
A bit later on they met two of Mlle Givenchy's lady Irregulars who were also in town; they passed on the location for them to investigate.
Givenchy and Hofler would spend the rest of the day interviewing relatives of the victims and witnesses about the nominal beast attacks ..

Sunday 7 January 2024

SYW French - The Duchy of Noverre (4)... general staff and artillery

 Finished recently, the commander and staff:

plus the artillery ....(AW Miniatures guns and crew)

Saturday 6 January 2024

The hunt for the Beast (day 3) ....view halloo

 continued from the previous post ....


After breaking camp the jagers headed up the left side of the valley....
While Huntsman's group, headed up the right side; then finding some unusual tracks moved up onto the hill..
The jagers spread out to cover more ground ...
The Huntsman's group, sighted two beasts down low on the rocky outcrop to their front ...
they fired at them, hit them but no obvious effect, the beasts moved up the higher on the outcrop...
The jagers heading towards the sound of the shooting, spotted another beast coming along the side of the hill...
The Huntsman's group fired again at the beast to their front. They definitely hit one, but it seemed unaffected ...
the jagers opened fire and the beast on the side of the hill went down ....
as the jagers checked the downed beast was dead the other two jumped off the rocky outcrop and attacked the Huntsman's group...
The men gave some ground as the beasts snarled, snapped and swiped at them;  the jagers closed in to help...
a jager badly bitten, went down bleeding profusely. The beast was also badly wounded, it fell to the ground and the huntsman finished it off with both barrels of his shotgun.
The last beast was worrying a jager, as others nearby were reloading their guns...
The beast turned his attention to one of the huntsman's assistants, a swipe of a his large paw leaving a deep long scratch. The man fell backwards cracking his head open on a rock; the beast ran off then turned back momentarily..
then bounded off towards the thicker woodland; the jagers fired at it but missed...
as they followed up they found a trail of blood; it had been hit... they lost the trail in the thick woods..

In the following week and thereafter,  there were no more sightings of beast or attacks on livestock.



  • 2 beasts dead and one wounded losing blood which got away; they assumed it would most likely die of its wound(s).
  • 1 jager dead; 5 jagers wounded (bites, scratches and bruises); one of the Huntsman's assistants dead.