Saturday, 20 October 2007

Uniforms of Saxe-Jarlsberg and Hesse-Limberger

These two small states to the south of Monrovia, are bound by treaty to supply troops in time of war. The treaties specifies Saxe-Jarlsberg to supply a regiment of dragoons and some artillery; Hesse-Limberger to supply two Infantry regiments. In return Monrovia guarentees their sovereignty and promises to come to their aid if they attacked.


abdul666 said...

Great looking uniforms! Always a gratifying enjoyement to discover new ones.
A question betraying the (narrow) limits of my knowledge: are they 'historical', or your original brainchild?

Bluebear Jeff said...

I like the "split pompoms". Good, clean-looking uniforms.

-- Jeff

old-tidders said...

Note on Uniforms:

The Artillery uniform is close to that of the Reicharmee Suabian contingent. The rest of the uniforms are pure invention (partly inspired by other Reicharmee units).

-- Allan

abdul666 said...

Giving my personal fondness for imaginary uniforms, I'm grateful that at least the minor allies on the Monrovia-Wittenberg theatre get some, at the time when Leder-Hosen turns sadly 'purely historical'...