Wednesday 2 October 2024

28mm SYW Sculpt & Cast (MK2)

With a couple of army build projects in 28mm coming up, I thought I would update my 28mm SYW master figures (fix casting & details issues along with adding some new things). The MK2 set will focus on foot figures - the cavalry figure moulds are OK and work well enough.

I've made up a gun crew, modified from the march attack musketeer figure...

All the amended and new figures have been completed and attached to metal pouring reservoirs ready for making four moulds.  Mould 1- 2 fusiliers (new) & 2 grenadiers; Mould 2 - artillery crew (new)
 Mould 3 - infantry command & hussar with busby (new); Mould 4 - march attack musketeers (4 off)
If I have enough mould compound left then I'll make a fifth mould containing 2 Austrian style grenadiers and 2 generic jagers.

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