Thursday 15 December 2016

Raid on Raddenwitz ...

continued from the previous post ...

The Monrovian raiding flotilla moves in closer .....
One boat enters the port harbour ...
the Fenwick port guard have setup a defence point in a open warehouse on the main quay...
the troops from the first Monrovian boat take some casualties as they disembark and then get on with setting fire to buildings .....
The port guard fire across the harbour at any target, some return fire takes a one of them out ....
The marines have landed by the far end of the port and are crossing the bridge, while the troops from the third boat have landed and are moving up the near side ....
Reinforcements for the port guard are on their way....
the attackers from the third boat move inland and start their wanton destruction and fire setting ....
another part of the Fenwick port guard has barricaded the road from the harbour but is taking heavy casualties from the fire of the Monrovian marines.
the reinforcements arrive .....
more buildings are set alight as the Monrovians try and work their way towards the large granary ....
the Fenwick troops form up as the Mornovian marines start to cross the barricade
The commander of the raid orders the bugler to sound the recall .....
vollies down the road from the Fenwick troops keep the attackers from the granary, they start to fallback on hearing the recall ...
The Monrovians make for the boats and start to leave ...
The defenders ensure they have control of the main quay and try to put out some of the fires ....
Some Monrovians are picked off as they try and reach the last boat ...the raiding flotilla sails away...
the river port of Raddenwitz in badly damaged, with collapsed and burning buildings, plus some sunken boats.  The buildings on the main quay are undamaged and the main granary is unaffected. 

What will Fenwick do in response ? It will take time for news to reach the capital - Duke Maurice although impetuous at times will surely do something to retaliate.  He must protect trade along the river Oudear.


The Good Soldier Svjek said...

An outrage ! Fenwick must be revenged ! , Tony

Phil said...

Superb, truly superb!

StuartInsch said...

Great report Allan.

Archduke Piccolo said...

Great looking sea port. I teckon they might be setting up a shore battery somewhere nearby. Wouldn't mind see a cutting out expedition in this port or its nearby river... Great potential for raid and counter-raid...

MGB said...

Great fun viewing, Allan.